Help for the Challenges
of Menopause

Drinking more water is simple and easy to do and can help to reduce hot flashes, brain fog, night sweats and more. And you will be surprised at how quickly you notice the difference. Use this guide to learn:
- How hydration affects key organ systems that control how your body responds to menopause and its symptoms
- The impact of dehydration on your brain, hormones and skin
- Get 21 recipes for delicious, infused waters to help you drink more water
- Learn how easy it is to support your hormones and boost your metabolism while reducing the impact of hot flashes and night sweats

The menopause transition is challenging. Your body, mind and
spirit can take a beating. And you will have days that you feel like you can beat up a grizzly bear.
Thorough testing can help your doctor determine what is driving your symptoms,
which is essential for taking specific action. This guide includes:
- Questions to consider asking your doctor and a springboard for coming up with your own unique questions
- A menopause symptom tracker
- A printable lab tests reference sheet
- And more…!

Eating to restore hormone balance is all about having the right mix of macronutrients. Not going on a diet.
You’ll learn how to reconnect to your intuition and trust that you know best about what’s good for your body. Especially when it comes to food, and exercise so you naturally find your ideal weight. Which will help reduce your stress, as well as help you to feel better and look good doing it.
This guide includes:
- A mindset assessment
- A list of my stress reducing go-to’s that really work
- Full 3 day meal plan and recipes
- Printable meal plan and grocery list
- And so much more…!