charlie reid

menopause coach
and advocate

Get your "it Might
be menopause:
smart women's toolkit"

charlie Reid

Menopause Coach
and Advocate

Get your "it Might
be menopause:
smart women's toolkit"

The peri+menopause is a natural transition that happens to every women in her 40s, on average between 42 to 52+ years of age. There’s a wide range of symptoms and every woman experiences them to a different degree. No matter what, this can be a confusing and frustrating time in a woman’s life.


Start with the 10 page “It Might Be Menopause: Smart Woman’s Toolkit”.

Using this toolkit, you get to identify what symptoms you are having and what to do about them. We always recommend that you discuss your results with your doctor. This guide can help you get clarity and feel more empowered to be your own menopause advocate and to start finding some relief from your symptoms. 

The guide includes; 

  • Access to the Smart woman’s toolkit 
  • Information  about What peri + menopause is. 
  • A checklist for tracking your symptoms 
  • How to find a menopause specialist where you live
  • What to do about nutrition, exercise, wellness care and symptoms. 
Menopause Toolkit Image

Buh bye frustration and confusion! Hellooooo knowing what to do next!

Hi Beautiful! I'm Charlie.

I’m your women’s hormone and nutrition coach. I work with women  who are struggling through the changes to their bodies, energy, sleep, weight and more during the perimenopause transition. I help them to achieve a healthy, lean, gorgeous body and fall in love with who they are becoming.

I believe that you shouldn’t have to go through this alone.

My mission is to help you regain control of your life, feel like yourself again, and celebrate the powerful transformation of your body as it changes during menopause.


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